Our Mission

Mission Statement ​
The mission of California Society of Environmental Analysts (CSEA) is to share ideas, experience and resources to advance professional development of lab analysts so that they can provide the analysis and interpretation of environmental data of the highest quality.
Our Vision
The vision of California Society of Environmental Analysts (CSEA) is to:
Commit to continuous enhancement of the validity of environmental data.
Promote the integrity and ethics of the profession from collection and analysis to interpretation and reporting of environmental data.
Strengthen customer trust in analytical data.
Develop mutually beneficial relationships among professionals through networking.
Increase public awareness of the profession.
Provide a forum for the exchange of information representing lab analysts’ interests.
Enhance communication between the lab analysts’ profession and policy-makers.
Represent the California lab analyst at the national level with subjects such as accreditation.
Increase the resources available to improve a lab’s efficiency, ability and cost effectiveness.
Act as a liaison between regulatory agencies and membership.
Provide mentoring to members.
Evaluate new analytical methods and procedures.
History ​
California Society of Environmental Analysts (CSEA) was founded in 2018 by Carolyn Ruttan and Will Evans in Lower Lake, California. Since its founding, the CSEA board has evolved to include a number of industry professionals and scientists. Click here to see our by-laws, privacy policy, IRS determination letter and other documents.