Become an A2LA Environmental Testing Assessor
The A2LA corps of conformity assessment professionals are committed to providing a comprehensive, technical accreditation experience. Interested in becoming an assessor with the premier accreditation body in the U.S.? If you have the following qualifications, A2LA wants to hear from you:
You are a peer expert with approximately 10 years of direct experience
You communicate efficiently and effectively, both verbally and in writing
You demonstrate the leadership, poise, tact, persistence, integrity, maturity, and other personal attributes necessary to successfully carry out assessments
A2LA is Seeking Specific Experience in
ISO/IEC 17025
Asbestos, Radiochemistry, Microbiology, Toxicity
**Requirements of the TNI standard and the EPA Drinking Water Manual**
EPA National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program
Kentucky Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program
Wyoming Storage Tank Remediation (STR) Program
DoD Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
TNI Field Sampling and Measurement Organization (FSMO)
Air Emission Testing Bodies (AETBs)
DoD Advanced Geophysical Classification Accreditation Program (DAGCAP)
DOE Consolidated Audit Program (DOECAP)
State Environmental Laboratory Assessment Program (SELAP)
To apply, click "Assessor Application" to read more and download the form. Fill out the form, then email it with your resume to Trace McInturff, A2LA VP of Accreditation Services, at TMcInturff@A2LA.org.
5202 Presidents Court, Suite 220
Frederick, MD 21703