This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board.
Dear Laboratories –
The CLIP Team has been working with EarthSoft to make changes to the workflow involving data where the Reporting Level (RL) is greater than the MCL. Having an RL that is greater than the MCL calls into question whether the data should be used for compliance determinations since it appears to not meet data quality objectives. The following describes the old process and the changes that will be taking place starting December 16th.
Old process – any EDD that contains a finding where the RL>MCL, none of the data in the EDD are processed.
This process presents delays as it requires all RL>MCL findings to be approved or rejected in CLIP before flowing to SDWIS/Drinking-Water-Watch.
New process – any EDD that contains a finding where the RL>MCL, all of the data in the EDD are processed, and any RL>MCL findings will have an ‘Invalid’ data quality flag applied.
This process presents no delays but since the RL>MCL data is ‘invalidated,’ it will not be visible in Drinking-Water-Watch.
Your laboratory can request to have a review of invalidated data. The attached email is an example of what you will receive from CLIP when any data in the EDD has the RL>MCL. You can follow the instructions in the email to request a review of the data.
If your laboratory requests a review of invalidated data, the DDW QAS Team will make one of the following determinations:
The data can be considered valid – in this case, the ‘Invalid’ data quality flag will be removed from DDW’s database (SDWIS) which will allow the data to displayed in Drinking-Water-Watch.
The data is to remain as invalid – in this case, the ‘Invalid’ data quality flag will remain. The data will still not be displayed in Drinking-Water-Watch. You should contact your client to discuss potential resampling.
If your laboratory does not request a review of the RL>MCL data, you should contact your client to discuss potential resampling.
Thank you for your attention to the above.
Paul Williams | Data Management Unit
State Water Resources Control Board | Division of Drinking Water
1001 I Street, 17th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814
916-323-0376 | paul.williams@waterboards.ca.gov