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Join the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC)!


Accepting ELTAC Membership Applications!

From now until October 1, 2023, the California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) is accepting applications and nominations for five vacancies on the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC). ELAP is accepting applications and nominations for Representatives, and is looking to fill positions for two Scientific Positions, two Community Implementation Advisors, and one Accreditation Advisor.

ELAP wants a balance of viewpoints and ideas, as ELTAC has a broad range of expertise. Desirable qualifications include knowledge of analytical methods and methods development; familiarity with various types of laboratory operations, such as small and large municipal, reference, and private laboratories; knowledge of the laboratory standards and development; familiarity with laboratory quality management systems; other states’ accreditation programs; and knowledge of regulatory uses of environmental data, including data science and compliance needs. If you have expertise in one or more of these areas, we want you!

How to Apply

Submit an application package to before October 1, 2023, with the email header: “ELTAC Application - <NAME>”. Include:

  1. The applicant or nominee's full name, title, institutional affiliation, and contact information.

  2. The applicant or nominee's area(s) of expertise.

  3. A summary of qualifications (1-2 paragraphs) outlining the individual's expertise and who they would represent. Inclusion of curriculum vitae or resume is desirable.

  4. Letter of recommendation or written endorsement from an organization, association, former ELTAC member, or similar entity.


Connect With Us:

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EIN 84 - 2283710

All membership fees & donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law

CSEA Contact: Carolyn Ruttan

PO Box 902 Lower Lake, CA  95457

Tel: 707 - 295 - 0333

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