Join us each Monday as the Clean Water Team shares some of its resources on a water quality Vital Sign. We will also scour the world wide web to locate videos discussing the scientific principles behind the meters and probes commonly used to measure that particular vital sign. Information Paper: Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Principles and Methods www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/docs/cwt/guidance/311.pdf Fact Sheet: Dissolved Oxygen www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/docs/cwt/guidance/3110en.pdf [English] www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/docs/cwt/guidance/3110sp.pdf [Español] How Dissolved Oxygen Probes Work www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7zbmlEaPAs This video is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement.
Erick Burres Citizen Monitoring Coordinator State Water Resources Control Board - Clean Water Team 213-712-6862 (cell) erick.burres@waterboards.ca.gov www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/cwt_volunteer.html
This content is provided by the State Water Board. All rights reserved.