Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan
The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Central Valley Water Board) is accepting written comments regarding the Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan through 5:00 p.m. PDT on 18 September 2023. The Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan summarizes the current state of science, and identifies research and special studies that, once completed, may inform future iterations of pyrethroid pesticide discharge regulations. Central Valley Water Board staff will hold a public meeting on 1 August 2023 to provide participants with an opportunity to discuss the Central Valley Water Board’s Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan.
Additional information, as well as the Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan, is available on the Central Valley Water Board’s Pyrethroid Pesticides TMDL and Basin Plan Amendment website at: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralvalley/water_issues/tmdl/central_valley_projects/central_valley_pesticides/pyrethroid_tmdl_bpa/index.shtml
Any interested person may present comments in writing about the Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan to the agency contact person named below. Persons submitting written comments are encouraged to do so electronically by sending them to sajleen.phagura@waterboards.ca.gov. Otherwise, written comments may be sent to:
Sajleen Phagura
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region
11020 Sun Center Drive, #200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. PDT on 18 September 2023.
Public Meeting Date and Location
This public meeting will be hosted at the Central Valley Water Board (Rancho Cordova Office) Training Room and online (via Microsoft Teams). Participants may attend either in person or remotely. The Microsoft Teams meeting information can be found in the Public Notice of Opportunity to Comment.
Date: 1 August 2023
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 PDT
Place: Central Valley Water Board, Training Room
11020 Sun Center Drive, Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
The signed Public Notice of Opportunity to Comment can be viewed on the Central Valley Water Board's Public Notices webpage: