Registration is Open for the 2024 Environmental Measurement Symposium
Reliable Data for Sound Decision Making
The 2024 Environmental Measurement Symposium, which is the combined meeting of the Forum on Environmental Accreditation and the National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC), will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Garden Grove, CA.
This year, the Symposium’s theme is “Reliable Data for Sound Decision Making.” Some of the highlights for the Symposium are:
A special half-day general session focused on the conference theme;
A special session featuring updates from EPA program offices;
134 oral and poster presentations in the NEMC portion of the Symposium on a variety of cutting-edge environmental monitoring issues;
Meetings of TNI Committees to further TNI efforts on environmental laboratory accreditation, proficiency testing, and accreditation of field sampling and measurement organizations;
A public meeting of the Environmental Monitoring Coalition;
An exhibit program showcasing the latest innovations in environmental monitoring;
An Innovative New Technology Showcase;
Five vendor lunch presentations;
Two keynote presentations; and
A full day session focused on laboratory accreditation issues in general, and California specifically.
All NEMC sessions and TNI meetings are open to all attendees according to your registration. Attendees have the ability participate in-person at the Symposium or view a recorded version that will be made available shortly after the presentation.
NEMC Technical Program
The NEMC Technical Program is organized into eighteen (18) breakout sessions. The titles of the presentations, abstracts, and authors can be found on the Environmental Measurement Symposium (EMS) website.
Air Monitoring, Methods, & Technology
Analyzing Microplastics in the Environment: Striving to Better Assess Occurrence, Fate and Effects
Automation and Innovation for Sample Preparation
Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring
Crafting Consensus Methods for Environmental Sampling and Measurement
Drinking Water
Emerging Applications for High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Environmental Forensics
Ensuring Reliable Data
Innovative Solutions for Water Testing
Laboratory Informatics
Metals Analysis
Optimizing Laboratory Operations
Participatory Science
Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Environment (Three Sessions)
The Role of AI in Environmental Analysis
TNI Program
The TNI sessions are meetings of TNI committees listed below and an Assessment Forum, a Mentor Session, a Field Sampling and Measurement Session and a General Session. Details of the TNI meetings can be found at Environmental Measurement Symposium website.
Chemistry Expert Committee
Laboratory Accreditation Body Committee
Laboratory Quality Management Systems Committee
Microbiology Expert Committee
Proficiency Testing Program Executive Committee
Proficiency Testing Expert Committee
Tuesday, August 6, 2024; 3:30 – 5:00 pm PDT
For the eight year in a row up to twelve (12) organizations will showcase innovative new technologies – sensors, apps, personal monitoring devices, among others – and network with managers and senior staff from commercial laboratories; the regulated community; the Agency’s regulatory program offices, regional and headquarters compliance staff; state compliance officials; tribal nations; the international community; the exhibitor community; and others involved in or affected by the Agency’s policies and procedures.
Meet with instrument manufacturers, laboratory suppliers, LIMS providers, and other laboratory service providers. See the latest developments in measurement technology, proficiency testing, sample preparation, and laboratory automation at the Exhibit Hall from August 5-7.
Friday has been set aside to consider topics of general interest to the broader accredited laboratory community, but to California laboratories specifically, due to the new rule that became effective on January 1, 2024. This day has been organized into three major blocks of time focusing on:
Improving the Professionalism of the Laboratory Community
How to Be TNI (-2) Compliant
Determining What is Really Important in Laboratory Assessments
About the Environmental Measurement Symposium
The Environmental Measurement Symposium is the combined meeting of the Forum on Laboratory Accreditation and the National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC).
