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Updated State Policy for Water Quality Control: Toxicity Provisions Now Available

The Toxicity Provisions and Staff Report on the Toxicity Provisions Program Page have been updated to reflect changes adopted per Resolution 2021-0044 and a subsequent January 20, 2022 Executive Director’s memo.

Resolution 2021-0044 approved revisions to the Toxicity Provisions and Staff Report. These revisions are described in detail in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 to the resolution. In addition, consistent with authority granted in Resolution 2020-0044, Eileen Sobeck, the Executive Director of the State Water Board made minor, non-substantive changes to the Toxicity Provisions to add clarity and consistency. These minor, non-substantive changes are described in the January 20, 2022 Executive Director’s memo.

The Toxicity Provisions establish numeric acute and chronic objectives for aquatic toxicity; the Test of Significant Toxicity statistical approach for data analysis; effluent limitations for non-storm water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) dischargers; and monitoring requirements for wastewater discharges. If you have any questions please contact Zane Poulson at:

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